Monday, April 7, 2014


They say curiosity killed the cat but in my book curiosity leads to knowledge and knowledge leads to power!

The Colorado Athletic Club had a special guest visit from the BOD POD. What? (That's exactly what I said too.)

The BOD POD is a cylinder-shaped, air pressurized, pod that measures the air your body displaces when you sit in it and then calculates your body composition. Sounds like science fiction or something straight out of Star Trek but I was curious to see what exactly I was made of:)

After a quick intro and explanation, Kent had me strip down to my swimsuit and take a seat in the pod. He said I'd hear a series of 'pops' as the cabin pressurized and might feel my ears pop like when you're at altitude going over a pass. He closed the door and let the diagnostics begin. I heard the rush of air and a few pops - 40 seconds later he opened the door. We did that 3 times to ensure accuracy and wha-laa we were done!

I was pleasantly surprised by the results and found out that right now I fall into the 'Moderately Lean' category at 22.1-30% fat.

Fat:     26.6%     41.3lb
Lean:  73.4%    114.4lb
Weight:             155.7lb

I also found out that my body at rest burns 1,415 kcal/day meaning that is the minimum amount of calories I should be taking in daily.

All of this is really helpful because:

1. I now have a solid gauge on daily caloric intake
2. I know that if I lose 7-10lbs I'll fall into the 'Lean' category
3. I know what weight to target
4. I know I can create a solid nutrition plan with the proper caloric intake to fuel during training
5. I know I'll feel strong and lean when I'm propelling this body through the IRONMAN course

Kent and his pod will return to CAC in 3 months so I can retake the test and compare measurements.

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