Saturday, August 2, 2014

Packing the Gear Bags

The World Triathlon Corporation (WTC), official owner of all things related to Ironman, is a model of efficiency and a logistical marvel. Every step of the process has been thoroughly vetted and proven and is a wonder to behold. In case you can't tell, I'm pretty darn impressed with the whole thing!

The bib number becomes your identity and you are literally attached to it once the athlete wristband is affixed to your wrist. From then on out, you are number ----, and I am #354 for this event. The race bib, gear bags, helmet sticker, bike number, and bike check-out ticket are all printed with your number; the swim cap is marked with marker, and the timing chip is assigned electronically.

Planning and execution are critical before you even step foot on the course. It starts with the 5 gear bags - Morning Clothes Bag, Bike Gear Bag, Run Gear Bag, Bike Special Needs Bag, and Run Special Needs Bag.  Following are things you need to pack into each bag:

Morning Clothes Bag - (actually holds all of your swim gear but you put your clothes into it after you put your swim gear on). This bag holds: tri shorts, swimsuit, or tri suit; 2 sets of goggles, swim cap, towel, wetsuit, body glide, an energy gel, sunscreen, timing chip, and bottle of water for after the swim.

Bike Gear Bag - This bag holds: helmet, cycling shoes, socks, sunglasses, disposable water bottles, nutrition, salt tablets, tool kit, tube, CO2, levers, multitool, floor pump, jacket, and sunscreen.

Run Gear Bag - This bag holds: running shoes, race belt, hat/visor, sunscreen, nutrition, and fuel belt.

Bike Special Needs Bag - This bag will be waiting for you at the half-way point of the bike course. You can use it for anything extra that you think you might need. I packed a few more gels and chews, more Carbo Pro, more sunscreen, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and a few Justin's Peanut Butter Cups for a treat:)

Run Special Needs Bag - Holds anything extra you thing you might need half-way thru the run. I packed more gels and chews, more sunscreen, and a jacket.

Once everything is packed, take it to the correct transition areas i.e. bike bag goes to T1 at the Boulder reservoir, run bag goes to T2 at Boulder High's football field, and the special needs bags are brought the morning of and dropped at Boulder High. You keep the Morning Clothes Bag with you for the morning of. 

Whew! Now all you have to do is enjoy the race!

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